Sunday, February 26, 2012

Campaign Move 12

1600-2100 10 August 1813
  Battle of Torrente at nightfall
16th Italian corps have fought a hard battle, but must withdraw during the night
They have suffered 7 infantry and 2 cavalry casualties

3rd Spanish corps have suffered too many casualties to pursue the Italians
They have taken 7 infantry and 1 artillery casualties

4th Spanish corps have not suffered any casualties
They are ready to pursue the Italians at first light.

This was a convincing Spanish victory

  Battle of Miravat at nightfall
8th French corps have taken most of the battle to reach the Spanish position
But once there they quickly broke the enemy infantry
They have taken 2 infantry and 1 artillery casualties to do so
Their gunners have routed and abandoned their guns

2nd Spanish corps had put on a brave face, but failed to deliver the goods
They have suffered 8 infantry casualties and two brigades are in rout
Although shaken their gunners remain with the guns
There is sufficient infantry and cavalry to cover the retreat

This was a convincing French victory

Battle of Tortosa at nightfall
17th French corps have not had sufficient time to close with the enemy
They have achieved a victory of sorts by driving the Spanish back to the bridge
They have not received any casualties during the battle.

1st Spanish corps have managed to hold the bridge
By a timely retreat they have avoided a major battle and probable defeat
They have suffered 2 infantry and one cavalry casualty
At nightfall all of their brigades are formed

This was an partial French victory

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Campaign Move 11

1200-1600 10 August 1813

  Battle of Torrente at 1600
Severoli has withdrawn his corps to a new position between the farm and the hill.   He must hold this position until nightfall

4th Spanish corps have occupied Torrente and deployed to the north to attack the Italian right wing.
3rd Spanish corps are moving to attack the farm

  Battle of Miravat at 1600

Elio has deployed his corps across the Miravat road. 
His infantry hold the northern hill
His cavalry hold the southern hill

Harispe will hold the centre and attack on his right
Two infantry brigades have been sent along the northern hill
Infantry and artillery advance in the centre
Lancers hold the left flank

Battle of Tortosa at 1600
1st Spanish corps had already crossed the river Ebro when they sighted 17th French corps marching towards Tortosa on the Cambrils road.   Both corps had their cavalry deployed to recce Tortosa.   The French chasseurs charged and routed the Spanish dragoons.

Del Parque deployed his corps between the woods and the hill, and his infantry to form square.

Halbert ordered the garrison of Tortosa to join the main corps, deployed his infantry in column of attack and advanced towards the Spanish.  

Del Parque immediately ordered his corps to withdraw towards the bridge.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Campaign Move 10

0800-1200 10 August 1813
Battle of Torrente at 1200

The battle started with general Severoli (top right) in full retreat to reach the Lerida road before 4th Spanish corps (top left) could cut him off.

This frantic retreat caught both Spanish commanders by surprise.   3rd Spanish corps were deployed in a defensive position to prevent the Italians from reaching the town of Flix (off table bottom centre).   4th Spanish corps (top left) expected to have to fight for Torrente (top centre).

Severoli ordered his corps to concentrate between the farm (top right) and the hill to the north of the Lerida road.   The slow response of the Spanish commanders allowed him to do so without any urgent pursuit.

4th Spanish corps occupied the abandoned Torrente and started to deploy to the north of the town to attack the right of the new Italian position.

3rd Spanish corps advanced to attack the farm from the south.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Battle of Tortosa – Move 8

1900-2000 10 August 1813

  Table at the start of move 8

Left – Spanish in position to hold the bridge
Right – French advancing but still out of musket range

  1st Spanish corps

General del Parque (Average)
9 Command Points
Orders – Hold bridge
Artillery fire on 22nd French (total 3 – no casualties)
4th infantry retreat 8” onto bridge
1st infantry move 2” to left in square to protect cavalry
Artillery manhandle 2” back towards bridge
3rd infantry test morale for shaken (total 3 – pass become disordered)

  17th French corps

General Halbert (Average)
8 Command Points
Orders – Engage enemy
Artillery fire on Spanish gunners (total 5 – no casualties)
22nd 23rd and 24th infantry advance 6”
Halbert moves to centre of corps
Artillery manhandle 2” forward
24th infantry skirmish with 1st Spanish (total 6 – one casualty)
1st Spanish test morale for first casualty (total 3 – pass remain formed)

Marshal Suchet (Gifted)
5 Command Points
Moves to join Halbert
Change corps orders to Hold

Game Notes
Del Parque has managed to withdraw his corps to the bridge
He has suffered light casualties, but all of his brigades have held their morale

Halbert has pushed the Spanish back to the bridge
Night has robbed him of the opportunity to press home his attack
He has inflicted light casualties on the enemy, and received none himself
He is well placed to attack again at first light

Suchet has ordered Halbert to halt and hold his position
He is not prepared to risk casualties so late in the day
He is confident of victory if the Spanish do not retreat over night.

Wargame rules can be found at

Table at end of game
Left        Spanish infantry in position in front of bridge
                 Spanish cavalry in reserve protected by square
                 Shaken infantry on bridge have rallied

Right       French infantry brigade skirmish with Spanish square
                 French cavalry unable to advance due to enemy square
                 Remainder of French corps have halted out of musket range

Game Result
17th French corps have not had sufficient time to close with the enemy
They have achieved a victory of sorts by driving the Spanish back to the bridge
They have not received any casualties during the battle.

1st Spanish corps have managed to hold the bridge
By a timely retreat they have avoided a major battle and probable defeat
They have suffered 2 infantry and one cavalry casualty
At nightfall all of their brigades are formed

This was an indecisive French victory

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Battle of Tortosa – Move 7

1800-1900 10 August 1813
Table at the start of move 7

Left – Spanish artillery withdraw to bridge covered by an infantry square
Right – French corps advance towards the bridge

1st Spanish corps
General del Parque (Average)
9 Command Points
Orders – Retreat to bridge
3rd infantry change from square to column of march and withdraw 4”
Artillery retire 4” and unlimber
4th infantry change from column of attack to line
1st infantry retire 2” in square
2nd infantry change formation from square to line
Del Parque moves to centre of corps
Del Parque changes orders to “Hold bridge”
17th French corps
General Halbert (Average)
8 Command Points
Orders – Engage enemy
Cavalry form line and advance 4” to edge of hill
Artillery fire on 3rd Spanish (total 10 – one casualty)
3rd Spanish test morale for first casualty (total 1 – fail and become shaken)
22nd and 24th infantry advance 6”
Artillery manhandle forward 2”
Halbert moves to centre of corps
23rd infantry advance 6”

Marshal Suchet (Gifted)
3 Command Points
Moves to join Halbert

Game Notes
The Spanish are now in position at the bridge
By moving first 3rd infantry have managed to withdraw out of French canister range
1st infantry has remained in square to protect the left flank and their cavalry
The remainder have formed line to provide better fire power
Halbert is now within artillery range
His infantry are advancing but still out of musket range

Wargame rules can be found at

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Battle of Tortosa – Move 6

1700-1800 10 August 1813
  Table at the start of move 6

Left – Spanish corps withdraw towards the bridge
Right – French corps advance towards the bridge

  17th French corps

General Halbert (Average)
8 Command Points
Orders – Advance to bridge
Cavalry advance 8” on ridge
Halbert moves to centre of corps
22nd, 23rd and 24th infantry all advance 6”
Artillery advance 4” and unlimber
Halbert moves back to command range of cavalry

1st Spanish corps
General del Parque (Average)
11 Command Points
Orders – Retreat to bridge
1st infantry retire 2” in square
2nd infantry form square to left of bridge
Del Parque moves to centre of corps
3rd infantry retire 2” in square
Artillery retire 8”
4th infantry about turn at bridge
Del Parque moves to centre of corps

Marshal Suchet (Gifted)
4 Command Points
Move to join Halbert
Change corps orders to “Engage enemy”

Game Notes
Del Parque has left one brigade in square to cover the withdrawal of the artillery
The remainder of his corps are now in position at the bridge.

Halbert has followed the Spanish towards the bridge.

Suchet has changed Halbert’s orders from Move to Engage.

Wargame rules can be found at

Monday, February 20, 2012

Battle of Tortosa – Move 5

1600-1700 10 August 1813
Table at the start of move 5
Left – Spanish corps starts to withdraw towards the bridge
Right – French corps have formed column and are starting to follow the enemy

Marshal Suchet (Gifted)
4 Command Points
Moves to join Halbert
Changes corps orders to “Advance to bridge”
17th French corps

General Halbert (Average)
9 Command Points
Orders – Advance to bridge
22nd, 23rd and 24th brigade all advance 6”
Artillery advance 8”
Halbert moves to command range (8”of cavalry)
Cavalry turn right and move towards hill

1st Spanish corps
General del Parque (Average)
10 Command Points
Orders – Retreat to bridge
Artillery limber and retreat 4”
1st and 3rd brigades retreat 2” in square
4th brigade retreats 6” to bridge
2nd brigade forms column of attack and retreats 3”
Cavalry move 12” towards left flank
Del Parque moves to join shaken cavalry
Cavalry test morale for shaken (total 8 – pass and become disordered)
Game Notes
Del Parque has broken contact and is withdrawing his corps to take up a new position at the bridge. 
Halbert has ordered his cavalry to move to the hill and advance to threaten the enemy left flank. 
By moving on the hill they can avoid enemy artillery fire.
The sequence of morale is formed-disordered-shaken-rout.  
A morale test is required to move from rout to shaken and shaken to disordered
At the end of each move sequence disordered automatically become formed.
Rule 18 deals with morale

Wargame rules can be found at

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Battle of Tortosa – Move 4

1500-1600 10 August 1813
Table at the start of move 4
Left – Spanish cavalry rout towards bridge, infantry form square
Right – French cavalry out of angle of enemy artillery.

  17th French corps
General Halbert (Average)
8 Command Points
Orders – Engage enemy
22nd and 24th brigades form column of attack and advance 3”
23rd brigade move out of town and join general advance
Artillery limber and advance 4”
Halbert moves to centre of corps

Marshal Suchet (Gifted)
2 Command Points
Moves to join Halbert

1st Spanish corps

General del Parque (Average)
8 Command Points
Orders – Hold
Artillery fire on 22nd French (total 7 – no casualties)
Del Parque changes corps orders to “Retreat to bridge”
Gunners manhandle artillery 2” towards bridge
Dragoons retreat to shelter behind infantry square
Del Parque moves to centre of corps
4th brigade about turn and retreats 3” towards bridge
Dragoons test morale for being in rout (total 3 – pass become shaken)

Game Notes
Without cavalry del Parque orders his corps to retreat to the bridge
He hopes to avoid a major battle, but still hold the bridge, until nightfall
He is fortunate to be able to rally his dragoons behind the shelter of an infantry square

With the removal of the enemy cavalry Halbert orders his infantry to advance
They abandon their square formation and change into column of attack

Only the French cavalry are in contact with the enemy, so they are unable to prevent del Parque from breaking contact and retreating to the bridge.

If the Spanish can hold the bridge until nightfall, they will be able to withdraw safely over the river under cover of darkness. 

Wargame rules can be found at

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Battle of Tortosa – Move 3

1400-1500 10 August 1813
  Table at the start of move 3
Left – Spanish deploy between hill and woods
Right – French deploy just above Tortosa

Marshal Suchet (Gifted)
3 Command Points
Move to join Halbert
Change corps orders to “Engage enemy”
  17th French corps
General Halbert (Average)
10 Command Points
Orders – Engage enemy
Cavalry charge Spanish dragoons
Spanish test to counter charge (total 4 – pass and charge)
Artillery advance 4” and unlimber
22nd and 24th brigades advance 3” and form square
Halbert moves to command range of Tortosa
23rd brigade move to edge of Tortosa

  French cavalry roll 2D6
French chasseurs charge Spanish dragoons (total 12 – French win)
Spanish dragoons lose one casualty and rout
French chasseurs halt disordered

3rd Spanish brigade test morale for rout within 4” (total 2 – fail become shaken)
1st Spanish brigade test morale for rout within 4” (total 4 – pass)

1st Spanish corps

General del Parque (Average)
8 Command Points
Orders – Move to Tortosa
Artillery fire on 22nd French (total 2 – no casualties)
1st and 2nd brigades form square
4th brigade advance 4” and form column of attack
Del Parque changes corps orders to “Hold”
Del Parque joins shaken 3rd brigade
3rd brigade test morale for shaken (total 4 – pass become disordered)

Game Notes
Suchet orders Halbert to advance and engage the Spanish
Halbert orders his cavalry to charge the enemy dragoons.
Cavalry melee are very unpredictable
He orders his infantry to form square to protect the gunners
His cavalry are very successful and rout the dragoons
On Engage orders they cause one casualty
Had they been on attack orders they would have caused two casualties
Spanish infantry within 4” of the rout have to test their morale
Spanish gunners unable to fire on chasseurs who are out of the angle of fire
Rule 2 covers role of CinC
Rule 7 covers artillery fire
Rule 14 covers cavalry combat
Rule 17 covers reaction to rout
Wargame rules can be found at

Friday, February 17, 2012

Battle of Tortosa – Move 2

1300-1400 10 August 1813
  Table at the start of move 2

Left – Spanish start to deploy just right of the river
Right – French deploy just above Tortosa

  1st Spanish corps

General del Parque (Average)
9 Command Points
Orders – Move to Tortosa
Artillery advance 8”
3rd and 4th brigade advance 8”
Del Parque moves to centre of corps
Artillery advance 4” and unlimber
3rd brigade advance 8” and form square
1st brigade advance 6”

Marshal Suchet (Gifted)
4 Command Points
No orders issued

17th French corps
General Halbert (Average)
9 Command Points
Orders – Move to Tortosa
Artillery advance 8”
Cavalry advance 6”
22nd brigade advance 6”
24th brigade advance 4” and form column of attack
Halbert moves to centre of corps
23rd brigade prepare to vacate Tortosa
Game Notes
1st Spanish corps have cleared the bridge and started to deploy to cover the crossing
Halbert is well aware that he must attack the Spanish without delay if he is to stand any chance of driving them back over the river Ebro before nightfall.
He has moved his cavalry forward to allow space for his infantry and artillery to deploy.   This has put the cavalry within range of the Spanish gunners, and he must hope that he will move first next move so that he can charge the enemy cavalry before the gunners get a chance to fire on his chasseurs.
Marshal Suchet is content to allow Halbert to command his corps and deploy for battle.
Wargame rules can be found at

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Battle of Tortosa – Move 1

1200-1300 10 August 1813
  Table at the start of move 1

Left – 1st Spanish corps cross the river Ebro
           Spanish cavalry deployed in the centre to protect the corps column

Right – 17th French corps approach Tortosa
              The town is held by 21st infantry brigade

  1st Spanish corps

General del Parque (Average)
9 Command Points
Orders – Move to Tortosa
Del Parque moves to centre of corps
1st brigade moves 8” to the far left and forms column of attack (double move)
2nd brigade moves 8” to centre left
Artillery moves 16” (double move) to centre
3rd brigade advance 16” (double move)
4th brigade advance 16” (double move)

17th French corps
General Halbert (Average)
8 Command Points
Orders – Move to Tortosa
Cavalry advance 8” and form line
22nd brigade advance 8” and form column of attack
Artillery advance 8”
Halbert moves to centre of corps
24th brigade advance 16” (double move)

Marshal Suchet (Gifted)
4 Command Points
Move 16” to observe Spanish deployment

Game Notes
Del Parque orders his corps to deploy between the hill and the woods
Moving first he has the advantage of being more than 16” from the nearest enemy
He can therefore take advantage of multiple moves
He also has a good dice roll for CP, which allows him to take full advantage

Halbert deploys his cavalry to counter the enemy cavalry
He then orders his corps to deploy to the right of Tortosa
Most of his brigades are too close to the enemy to take multiple moves

Marshal Suchet is moving with 17th corps
He moves forward to observe the Spanish deployment
Rule 5 covers multiple movement
Wargame rules can be found at

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Battle of Tortosa – Set Up

  strategic map at 1200 10 August 1813
Campaign Background
17th French corps had left one23rd brigade to hold Tortosa whilst they marched north to raise the siege of Miravat, which was held by their 21st brigade.   Before they reached Miravat they were ordered by Marshal Suchet to return to Tortosa as he believed it was about to be attacked.

1st Spanish corps had held the river Ebro bridge for some days, and observed the movements at Tortosa.   Their main objective was to hold Amposta until the arrival of 5th British corps.   Having received notification of the approach of the British they advanced over the river at midday with the intention of laying siege to Tortosa.

  Tactical Map at 1200 10 August 1813 

Battle Area
The battle will take place in the nine squares outlined in white.  

On the left general Del Parque is crossing the river Ebro in square L3, covered by his cavalry in L4

On the right general Halbert is marching south in square K5 and is now approaching Tortosa.  
The town is held by his 23rd infantry brigade.

  Wargames Table at start of battle

Tortosa is on the right
17th French corps is approaching the town from the top right
1st Spanish corps is crossing the river Ebro on the left

 Tortosa is held by 23rd French infantry brigade
  1st Spanish Corps

Corps is crossing the river in column of march.
The artillery is moving in the centre of the corps column
The corps cavalry are deployed to observe the French and protect the column

17th   French corps
Corps approach Tortosa in column of march.
Their cavalry lead the corps, also in column of march

Special Rules
We are play testing new rules for command and control.

The wargame rules can be found at

The latest entry is a draft of the new rules

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Battle of Miravat – Move 9

2000-2100 10 August 1813
  Table at the start of move 9
Left         Spanish brigade on hill have orders to retreat, but must break contact first
Right       French infantry press home their attack

  2nd Spanish corps

General Elio (Poor)
8 Command Points
Orders – Retire to Miravat
Artillery fire on enemy artillery (total 5 – no casualties)
Elio moves to join 6th brigade
6th brigade retires (1”) facing enemy
Elio leaves 6th brigade and moves to centre of corps
Gunners manhandle guns (2”) away from enemy infantry
8th brigade (square) retires 2” to support artillery
7th brigade skirmish with 31st French (total 5 – no casualties)

  8th French corps
General Harispe (Average)
9 Command Points
Orders – Engage enemy
Harispe changes corps orders to “Attack enemy infantry”
Harispe moves to right flank to command infantry attack
29th brigade advance (1”) uphill and skirmish 6th Spanish
30th and 31st brigade advance to attack 7th Spanish
Harispe returns to centre to join shaken gunners
29th French skirmish 6th Spanish (total 6 – one casualty)
6th Spanish test morale for fourth casualty (total minus 1 – fail and rout)
30th and 31st French attack 7th Spanish (total 10 – French win)
7th Spanish rout and lose three casualties
30th and 31st French halt disordered
Spanish gunners test morale for rout within 4” (total 2 – fail and become shaken)
French gunners test morale for shaken (total 0 – fail and rout)

Game Notes
This final move has allowed the French infantry to close with, and rout, the Spanish infantry
Rule 11 deals with infantry skirmish combat
Rule 13 deals with infantry hand to hand combat
Rule 17 deals with reaction to rout
Rule 18 deals with morale
Wargame rules can be found at

Table at end of game
Left         Spanish infantry in rout
                 Spanish gunners shaken, but protected by square
                 Spanish cavalry available to cover night retreat

Right       French infantry press home their attack and rout enemy
                 French gunners have broken and routed leaving their guns behind
                 French cavalry await orders

Game Result
8th French corps have taken most of the battle to reach the Spanish position
But once there they quickly broke the enemy infantry
They have taken 2 infantry and 1 artillery casualties to do so
Their gunners have routed and abandoned their guns

2nd Spanish corps had put on a brave face, but failed to deliver the goods
They have suffered 8 infantry casualties and two brigades are in rout
Although shaken their gunners remain with the guns
There is sufficient infantry and cavalry to cover the retreat

This was a convincing French victory