Saturday, March 31, 2012

Campaign Move 16

0800 to 1200 12 August 1813
The appearance of the British just south of the town has not caused Harispe to alter the deployment of 8th French corps.   He has two infantry brigades facing 2nd Spanish across the river Ebro.  The remaining two infantry brigades, plus the corps artillery, are deployed to the south of the town facing the British.   His cavalry brigade is on his left flank protecting the Cambrils road
Despite no reply from 2nd Spanish corps Murray orders his corps to advance and engage Miravat.  
He orders his cavalry to engage the enemy cavalry.   This is a bold opening move.  If the British cavalry lose the melee it could halt the whole attack.   However they break the French lancers, who fall back in disorder.
The two French infantry brigades now form square, to prevent the British cavalry taking the Cambrils road.   Harispe orders a third brigade to move to his left flank to protect his line of retreat to Cambrils.   This leaves just one infantry brigade to prevent the Spanish crossing the river.
Murray orders two of his infantry brigades to support the cavalry, and the remainder to threaten the weak garrison of Miravat.
Throughout this period the Spanish stand and watch the proceedings.   He has suffered heavy casualties in the recent battle, and wants to rest his corps to recover before advancing to tackle the French again.
He is also aware that Copons, the Spanish CinC, is due to arrive shortly, and would prefer to let him take the decision whether to risk an attack or not.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Second Miravat – Move 8

1500-1600 12 August 1813

  Table at the start of move 8
Top Left – Spanish have received orders to advance and engage Miravat
Top Centre – French left have broken and routed, only two brigades remain on right flank
Bottom Centre – British cavalry start pursuit, infantry close on Miravat

Captain General Copons
4 Command Points
No orders

  8th French corps

General Harispe (Average)
7 Command Points
Orders – Retreat
31st brigade enter Miravat
29th brigade retreat 2”
29th brigade skirmish 6th British (total 4 – no casualties)

Test morale for routed brigades
Cavalry (total minus 1 – fail and continue to rout)
32nd brigade (total minus 4 – fail and continue to rout)
21st brigade (total minus 2 – fail and continue to rout)
30th brigade (total minus 2 – fail and continue to rout)
Gunners (total 0 – fail and continue to rout)

  2nd Spanish corps

General Elio (Poor)
8 Command Points
Orders – Engage Miravat
5th, 6th, 7th and 8th brigades form column of march to cross bridge
Artillery limber guns
Cavalry advance 16” towards Miravat
7th and 8th brigade advance 8” towards Miravat
Artillery advance 4” towards bridge

  5th British corps

General Murray (Poor)
10 Command Points
Orders – Engage Miravat
Cavalry advance 12” after routed enemy
7th brigade advance 6” in support of cavalry
5th brigade advance 4” towards Miravat
Murray moves to centre of corps
Artillery advance 8”

6th and 8th brigades advance and exchange volley fire with 29th French
British infantry test for result (total 9 – British win)
French infantry 3 casualties and rout
British infantry 1 casualty and halt

 31st French (in Miravat) test morale for rout within 4” (total minus 2 – fail and rout)

 Game Notes

The game ends with the entire French corps in rout

There are no French cavalry to cover the retreat, and there are both British and Spanish cavalry in position to pursue.   So it was felt that each allied cavalry brigade would forces the nearest French brigade to surrender during the pursuit before nightfall

British dragoons capture the French gunners
Spanish lancers capture 29th infantry brigade

Wargame rules can be found at

Table at end of game
Left – Spanish cavalry moving to cut off nearest French brigade
Top Centre – French left have broken and routed
Bottom Centre – British cavalry moving to cut off French gunners

Game Result
8th French corps have suffered the most comprehensive defeat of the campaign.
They have lost 10 infantry and 2 cavalry and have abandoned their guns
Every single brigade is in rout
They have also routed north and away from their lines of supply

The British have lost 3 infantry and 1 cavalry casualty

The Spanish have not lost any casualties during the battle

The allied cavalry will continue the pursuit until nightfall, and will take 8 more infantry and 4 gunners prisoner

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Second Miravat – Move 7

1400-1500 12 August 1813
  Table at the start of move 7
Top Left – Spanish remain watching the battle from the left bank of the river Ebro
Top Centre – French cavalry routed again, infantry forced to form square
Bottom Centre – British infantry skirmish with French squares

  5th British corps

General Murray (Poor)
9 Command Points
Orders – Engage Miravat
Murray moves to left flank
6th brigade advance 3” and form line
8th brigade advance 6”
Artillery limber guns
Murray moves to right flank
7th brigade advance 6”

Cavalry charge 32nd French in shaken square (combat total 10)
French three casualties and rout
Cavalry test morale to pursue (total 6 – pursue)
Cavalry test who to charge (total 3 – charge nearest enemy)
Cavalry charge French gunners (total 1 – no casualties)

5th brigade firefight with 30th French (in square) (total 11)
British one casualty
French three casualties and rout

21st French test morale for rout within 4” (total 0 – fail and rout)

  8th French corps
General Harispe (Average)
5 Command Points
Orders – Hold Miravat
Harispe changes orders to “Retreat”
Harispe moves to left flank
31st brigade about turn and move to enter Miravat

Test morale for routed brigades:
Cavalry (total minus 4 – fail and continue rout)
32nd brigade (total minus 4 – fail and continue rout)
21st brigade (total minus 2 – fail and continue rout)
30th brigade (6 casualties is a permanent rout)

2nd Spanish corps

General Elio (Poor)
10 Command Points
Orders – Hold bridge
Waiting for new orders from CinC

Captain General Copons
 5 Command Points
Arrives on the battlefield and joins 2nd corps
Changes their orders to “Engage Miravat”

Game Notes
Copons arrived after 2nd corps had moved, so his orders to Engage will not be effective until next move.

When cavalry rout enemy they test to see if they pursue. 
If they have to pursue, they again test to see which enemy they will charge/pursue.

Rule 12 covers infantry firefight
Rule 15 covers cavalry v infantry combat
Rule 17 covers reaction to rout

Wargame rules can be found at

Monday, March 26, 2012

Second Miravat – Move 6

1300-1400 12 August 1813

Table at the start of move 6
Top Left – Spanish remain watching the battle from the left bank of the river Ebro
Top Centre – French cavalry move forward to support left flank
Bottom Centre – British infantry skirmish with French left flank
8th French corps
General Harispe (Average)
12 Command Points
Orders – Hold Miravat
21st brigade move out of town on Cambrils road
30th and 32nd brigades retreat 2” in square
Cavalry advance 4” to protect Cambrils road
Harispe moves to right flank
29th and 31st brigades retreat 3” in line facing enemy
Harispe returns to left flank
30th brigade test morale for being shaken (total 3 – pass test become disordered)
5th British corps

General Murray (Poor)
6 Command Points
Orders – Engage Miravat
6th and 8th brigades advance 6” towards town
Murray moves to centre of corps
5th brigade advance 3” and form line
Dragoons charge lancers
Lancers test to counter charge (total 1 – fail and accept charge at halt)
Dragoons win combat test and roll for effect (total 12)
Lancers receive another casualty and rout
32nd French test morale for rout within 4” (total 1 – fail become shaken)
Dragoons test to pursue (total 1 – fail remain stationary and disordered)

Game Notes
Harispe accepts that he has lost the battle and orders a withdrawal along the Cambrils road.    To do so he will have to hold the road, and he moves his lancers forward to do so.
British dragoons again charge the lancers, and again win the melee.   Lancers rout

British infantry advance to musket range of French square and deploy into line ready to fire a volley next turn

The table will have to be extended to the north next move to bring the centre of the battle into the middle of the table.

Wargame rules can be found at

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Second Miravat – Move 5

1200-1300 12 August 1813

  Table at the start of move 5
Top Left – 2nd Spanish corps hold left of the river Ebro
Top Centre – 8th French corps have rallied their cavalry behind infantry squares
Bottom Centre – British cavalry have moved within charge range of enemy artillery

  8th French corps

General Harispe (Average)
12 Command Points
Orders – Hold Miravat
British cavalry declare opportunity charge on French gunners (total 4 – pass and charge)
Gunners test morale to evade to nearby square (total 6 – pass and evade)
British cavalry quarter distance (4”) and halt
Lancers move around infantry to face British cavalry flank
21st brigade move to edge of town
32nd brigade retreat out of lancers line of charge
Harispe moves to centre of corps
30th brigade move in square 2” towards British cavalry
30th brigade fire on cavalry (total 4 – no casualties)

  5th British corps
General Murray (Poor)
9 Command Points
Orders – Engage Miravat
French lancers declare opportunity charge on British cavalry (total 2 – fail to charge)
Artillery fire on 30th French (square with gunners inside) (total 9 – one casualty)
30th French test morale for second casualty (total 2 – fail and shaken)
British cavalry turn to face French lancers
5th and 7th brigades advance 6”
Murray moves to centre of corps
6th and 8th brigades advance 6”
5th brigade skirmish 30th French (total 7 – one casualty)
30th French test morale for third casualty (total 2 – fail and remain shaken)

French lancers fail to charge flank of British cavalry

In certain circumstances cavalry can declare an opportunity charge at the start of the enemy turn.  They do not need orders to do so, but they do need to pass a morale test.

During this game the British cavalry were able to charge the flank of the enemy gunners.   They passed their test and charged. 

The gunners passed their test to evade and ran to the nearby square.   The cavalry have to complete one third of their charge and then halt.

In doing so they exposed their right flank to the French lancers.
They declared an opportunity charge at the start of the British move
They failed their morale test and were unable to opportunity charge.

Rule 6 deals with opportunity charges

Game Notes

2nd Spanish corps have received orders to hold west end of bridge and cannot join the attack on Miravat.

30th French infantry brigade have survived two morale tests in one move
They received artillery casualties and passed their morale test
They then received infantry skirmish casualties and again passed their morale test.
Had they broken and routed, the gunners inside the square would also have routed.

Wargame rules can be found at

Friday, March 23, 2012

Second Miravat – Move 4

1100-1200 12 August 1813

  Table at the start of move 4

Top Left – 2nd Spanish corps hold left of the river Ebro
Top Centre – 8th French corps have moved the squares nearer to the road
Bottom Centre – British cavalry pin the enemy left flank

  8th French corps

General Harispe (Average)
12 Command Points
Orders – Hold Miravat
Artillery fire on 6th British (total 7 – no casualties)
Artillery manhandle 2” back towards town
Harispe moves to centre of corps
21st brigade prepare to vacate Miravat
29th brigade move 2” closer to town
Harispe moves to join lancer brigade
Lancers test morale for shaken (total 6 – pass test become disordered)

5th British corps

General Murray (Poor)
7 Command Points
Orders – Engage Miravat
Artillery fire on French gunners (total 10 – one casualty)
French gunners test morale for first casualty (total 3 – pass test remain formed)
Artillery manhandle 2” towards Miravat
Murray moves to command range (8”) of cavalry brigade
Cavalry advance 6” towards enemy gunners
5th and 7th brigades both advance 6” towards road

Game Notes
Murray has decided to press his attack on the French left flank without waiting to see what the Spanish will do.

His cavalry have advanced within charge range of the enemy gunners.   The retreat of the two French squares out of range of the British artillery has left the French gunners exposed to the cavalry

If the Spanish join the attack victory seems certain.

Harispe is withdrawing the weak garrison from Miravat and is about to replace them with a strong brigade, in order to hold off any Spanish advance.

Wargame rules can be found at

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Second Miravat - Move 3

1000-1100 12 August 1813
Table at the start of move 3
Top Left – 2nd Spanish corps hold left of the river Ebro
Top Centre – 8th French corps have just one brigade facing the Spanish
Bottom Centre – British cavalry have withdrawn but still threaten French left

  5th British corps

General Murray (Poor)
9 Command Points
Orders – Engage Miravat
Artillery fire on 30th French (total 4 – no casualties)
Artillery manhandle 2” towards Miravat
Remainder of corps advance 6” towards town
6th brigade test morale for shaken (total 5 – pass morale become disordered)

8th French corps

General Harispe (Average)
10 Command Points
Orders – Hold Miravat
Artillery fire on 6th British (total 5 – no casualties)
30th brigade retreat 2” in square
Lancers test morale for rout (total 5 – pass test become shaken)
Game Notes
Murray is nearing Miravat and enters the most critical part of the attack
Although his cavalry have forced the enemy infantry into square, he is still weaker than the French corps.  
There is no direct communication between the British and the Spanish, so he does not know whether they will move to support him or not.
If they do, they are faced with a singe French brigade, and a convincing victory seems certain. 
If not the French may well hold and inflict a serious defeat on the British

Wargame rules can be found at

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Second Miravat – Move 2

0900-1000 12 August 1813
Table at the start of move 2
Top Left – 2nd Spanish corps hold left of the river Ebro
Top Centre – 8th French corps strengthen their left flank
Bottom Centre – British cavalry threaten Cambrils road

5th British corps
General Murray (Poor)
8 Command Points
Orders – Engage Miravat
Infantry advance and angle towards Cambrils road
Artillery advance and unlimber
Murray moves within command range of cavalry
British dragoons charge French lancers
Lancers test to counter charge (total 2 – pass and counter charge)
Dragoons have more combat factors, melee total 10
Dragoons disordered but no casualties
Lancers rout with one casualty
30th French test morale for rout within 2” (total 2 – fail and are shaken)
Dragoons test morale to pursue (total 4 – pursue)
Dragoons test for effect of pursuit (total 4 – charge nearest enemy)
Dragoons charge shaken infantry square
Infantry have more combat factors, melee total 6
Infantry have one casualty and are already shaken
Dragoons have one casualty, are disordered and retire 8”
8th French corps

General Harispe (Average)
9 Command Points
Orders – Hold Miravat
Artillery fire on 6th British (total 10 one hit)
6th British test morale for first casualty (total 2, fail and are shaken)
32nd brigade advance and form square
Harispe moves within command range of cavalry
Cavalry retire behind 32nd brigade square
Harispe moves to join shaken 30th brigade
30th brigade test morale for shaken (total 7 – pass and become disordered)
Cavalry test morale for rout (total 2 – fail and remain in rout)
Game Notes
Murray has taken a chance in ordering his dragoons to charge the lancers
Despite winning the melee, he then lost morale and had to pursue
The next dice throw decided that he must charge the nearest enemy
Fortunately this was a shaken square
The infantry won the melee and the dragoons were forced to withdraw
Harispe has not been so lucky
He has lost the cavalry melee and failed to rally his lancers
He has however rallied his shaken infantry square
He has also caused one casualty on the British infantry
Rule 7 covers artillery fire
Rule 14 covers cavalry v cavalry combat
Rule 17 covers reaction to rout
Rule 18 covers morale test
Wargame rules can be found at

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Second Miravat – Move 1

0800-0900 12 August 1813

  Table at the start of move 1
 Top Left – 2nd Spanish corps hold left of the river Ebro
Top Centre – 8th French corps hold Miravat
Bottom Centre – 5th British corps approach Miravat

  5th British corps
General Murray (Poor)
9 Command Points
Orders – Move to Miravat
Cavalry advance 12” towards French left
Remainder of corps advance 6” towards Miravat
Murray changes orders to “Engage”

8th French corps
General Harispe (Average)
11 Command Points
Orders – Hold Miravat
Artillery fire on 6th British brigade – out of range
30th brigade form square
32nd brigade about turn and move behind town to left flank
30th brigade retire 2” facing Spanish

Game Notes
Murray is aware that the French will want to protect their left flank, the road to Cambrils.   He sends his cavalry forward to threaten the road
The remainder of his corps advance towards Miravat

Harispe has placed his cavalry on his left to protect his line of retreat to Cambrils
As the British cavalry move to threaten the road, he orders his infantry to form square
He also moves one of his brigades from his right to his left flank

Artillery are not allowed to measure the distance to the target
If there are sufficient CP it is normal to fire once to establish the range
The artillery also have an angle of fire.
The British cavalry have advanced and are outside of that angle.

The French infantry are more than 16” from the nearest enemy, so they can have multiple moves.  This has allowed one brigade to take four moves to change from the right to the left flank.

Rule 7 covers artillery fire
Rule 5 covers multiple and normal movement

Wargame rules can be found at

Monday, March 19, 2012

Second Miravat – Set Up

Strategic Map at 0800 12 August 1813
Campaign Background
8th French corps have forced 2nd Spanish corps to retreat west of the river Ebro, and have raised the siege of Miravat.   In doing so they suffered light casualties and halt at Miravat to recover and ensure that the Spanish do not move east of the river.

5th British corps have advanced north from Amposta and deployed on the north bank of the river Ebro, within strike distance of Miravat.  The French decline the opportunity to retreat to Cambrils, and after a short delay the British attack them.

2nd Spanish corps have orders to hold the west bank of the river Ebro, and to retreat if the French advance.  Therefore they are not part of the battle, and will only advance if they receive orders to do so from the campaign corps commander

 Tactical Map at 0800 12 August 1813

The battle will take place in the nine squares outlined in white.  

On the left general Elio has orders to hold the left bank of the river.

On the right general Harispe is deployed in and around Miravat. 
21st brigade of 17th corps, the garrison of Miravat, is under command

5th British corps are deployed north of the river, with their cavalry brigade in advance

Wargames table at start of battle

Miravat is the town in top centre

2nd Spanish corps is left of the river top left

5th British corps is advancing bottom centre

8th French corps

 8th corps is deployed above and to the right of the town and are on Hold orders
Miravat is held by 21st brigade, who have three casualties

5th British corps 

Deployed north of the river Ebro and  on Move orders
Corps advance in column of attack behind their cavalry screen

2nd Spanish corps

Deployed behind the river Ebro and on Hold orders
They have five battle casualties and are on Hold orders

Special Rules
2nd Spanish corps will not take part in the battle unless they receive campaign orders to do so.   The earliest this could happen would be at the start of move 5.

We are play testing new rules for command and control.
Each commander rolls an average dice and adds the number of brigades under command

The wargame rules can be found at

The latest entry is a draft of the new rules

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Campaign Move 15

 1600 to 2000 11 August 1813

General Murray orders his 5th British corps to cross the river Ebro just north of Amposta.  

Although 8th French corps are in nearby Miravat, general Harispe makes no attempt to prevent this advance. 

General Elio is just west of Miravat, holding the approach to Gandesa.   His 2nd Spanish corps have suffered heavy casualties in the recent battle, and he is not anxious to try his luck again against the French.

Elio and Murray have exchanged much correspondence in an attempt to coordinate an attack on Miravat.   First light will determine how effective there plans are.  
Much depends on the assistance 5th British corps can give to the Spanish effort.   Murray’s bold move has placed him in a dangerous position should Elio fail to support him.

On the other hand Harispe is also in an exposed position, and a very vulnerable one should the two allied corps coordinate an attack on Miravat.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Campaign Move 14

 1200-1600 11 August 1813

There has been a distinct lull in the campaign as both sides attempt to recover from the recent fighting.

Those corps who lost their battle have had to avoid any contact with the enemy throughout the day. 

Those corps who won, but have suffered casualties, also have to avoid the enemy and remain stationary in order to start to replace those casualties

Only in the north has there been any offensive movement.   4th Spanish corps, who did not play any active part in the battle of Torrente, had pursued 16th Italian corps, who lost heavy casualties in the battle.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Campaign Move 13

0800-1200 11 August 1813

The three battles fought yesterday have had a striking effect on all seven corps involved.

In the north 16th Italian corps has managed to withdraw from Torrente, but have left one of their brigades surrounded at Mora.  

3rd and 4th Spanish corps must now decide how best to take advantage of this withdrawal.  

In the centre 8th French corps has forced 2nd Spanish corps to abandon their siege of Miravat and rescued 21st infantry brigade.  

In the south 17th French corps have reached Tortosa just in time to prevent its capture by 1st Spanish corps.  The Spanish have retreated west of the river to Amposta.   5th British corps is approaching Amposta and will soon be available to support the Spanish.

7th French corps is on the march from Barcelona to join the main French army.