Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Battle of Torrente – Move 11

1800-1900 10 August 1813
Table at the start of move 11
Top left – 4th Spanish corps advance in square towards Italian cavalry
Right – Italian corps have suffered casualties to garrison and right hand brigade
Bottom – 3rd Spanish corps are winning skirmish for farm
  16th Italian corps
General Severoli (Poor)
9 Command Points
Orders – Hold Farm
Artillery retreat 8”
7th brigade advance 2” and volley fire on 9th and 10th Spanish (total 8 - 7th brigade win)
7th brigade lose one casualty and are disordered
9th Spanish lose one casualty, retire 4” and are shaken
10th Spanish lose one casualty, retire 4” and are shaken
8th brigade (in farm) skirmish 10th Spanish (total 2 – no casualty)

 3rd Spanish corps

General Rosche (Average)
9 Command Points
Orders– Engage Enemy
Change corps orders to “Hold”
Artillery are out of command range and unable to fire
General move to command range (8” of artillery)
Artillery limber and move 4” towards main corps
General return to centre of corps
10th brigade skirmish with farm (total 2 – no casualty)
9th brigade test morale for shaken (total 3 – rally to disordered)
11th brigade test morale for shaken (total 1 – fail remain shaken

4th Spanish corps
General O’Donnell (Poor)
8 Command Points
Orders – Engage Enemy
Artillery fire on enemy cavalry (total 12 – one casualty)
Italian cavalry test morale for casualty (total 4 – pass test)
13th brigade turn left and advance 3”
14th and 15th brigade advance 2” in square
Artillery manhandle 2” towards enemy
Commander moves to command range of 16th brigade
16th brigade advance 4” on hill
Commander returns to centre of corps 
Game Notes
Rather than leave the advantage to the Spanish Severoli orders his battered 7th brigade to advance to volley range (2”) and fire on the two Spanish brigades skirmishing with him.   He wins the volley exchange and the two enemy brigades retire 4” with two casualties and are shaken.   7th brigade suffers a third casualty and are disordered.   The gamble has paid off.

Severoli is fortunate that there is only one more move to nightfall.   His cavalry have suffered casualties, as have the garrison of the farm.   His 7th brigade has three casualties and are likely to rout if they have to test their morale.   If one of his brigades fail morale and rout it is very likely that his whole corps will fall apart.
He is retreating his artillery in preparation for a general retreat at nightfall.
Rule 12 covers infantry volley combat
Wargame rules can be found at

Monday, January 30, 2012

Battle of Torrente – Move 10

1700-1800 10 August 1813
  Table at the start of move 10
Top left – 4th Spanish corps advance in square towards Italian cavalry
Right – Italian corps have redeployed to meet 3rd Spanish flank move
Bottom – 3rd Spanish corps advance to attack farm

  4th Spanish corps

General O’Donnell (Poor)
8 Command Points
Orders – Engage Enemy
Artillery fire on Italian cavalry (total 3 – no casualty)
14th and 15th brigades advance 2” in square
Artillery manhandle forward 2”
13th brigade move out of town
O’Donnell moves to centre of corps
16th brigade move 7” (double move) on hill

  16th Italian corps

General Severoli (Poor)
8 Command Points
Orders – Hold Farm
Artillery fire on 9th Spanish (total 10 – one casualty)
9th Spanish test morale for casualty (total 6 – pass test)
Artillery limber
Severoli moves to centre of corps
7th brigade advance 4”
7th brigade skirmish with 11th Spanish (total 5 – no casualty)

3rd Spanish corps
General Rosche (Average)
7 Command Points
Orders – Engage Enemy
Artillery fire at close range on farm (total 8 – one casualty)
Garrison of farm test morale for casualty (total 5 – pass test)
9th brigade advance 4” (within 2” of farm)
10 brigade advance 6”
Rosche moves to command his right wing
10th and 11th brigades skirmish 7th Italian (totals 7 and 6 – two casualties)
7th Italian test morale for two casualties (total 4 – pass test)
9th brigade skirmish with garrison (total 4 – no casualties)

 Game Notes
O’Donnell moves his corps forward in square because of the enemy cavalry.  He can only move his squares 2” each move, so is unlikely to close with the enemy before nightfall.

Volley fire is not allowed against hard cover, only skirmish fire

Infantry must be less than 4” to skirmish, and less than 2” to volley fire.

Skirmish fire requires a total of 6 to inflict a casualty

10th and 11th Spanish brigades are winning their skirmish fight with 7th Italian brigade.   They rolled a 5 and 6 (plus 1 for C class skirmishers) to achieve two hits.   7th brigade rolled a 3 (plus 2 for B class skirmishers) and failed to inflict any casualties.

Rule 11 covers infantry skirmish combat

Wargame rules can be found at

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Battle of Torrente – Move 9

1600-1700 10 August 1813
Table at the start of move 9
Top left – 4th Spanish corps start to advance north of Torrente
Right – Italian corps have redeployed to meet 3rd Spanish flank move
Bottom – 3rd Spanish corps move to their right to attack farm from the south and east
  16th Italian corps
General Severoli (Poor)
8 Command Points
Orders – Deploy between farm and hill
Severoli changes corps orders to “Hold Farm”
Artillery fire on Spanish artillery (total 10 – 1 casualty)
Also overshoot on infantry directly behind artillery (total 6 – no casualty)
Spanish gunners test morale for casualty (total 3 – pass test)
7th brigade form line
Garrison skirmish with nearest enemy (total 3 – no casualty)

3rd Spanish corps

General Rosche (Average)
8 Command Points
Orders – Engage Enemy
Artillery fire at close range of farm (total 3 – no casualty)
10th brigade move 6” to east of farm
9th brigade move 4” towards farm and forum column of attack
Artillery manhandle 2” out of close range of enemy guns
11th brigade move 6” towards farm
9th brigade skirmish with garrison (total 5 – no casualty)

4th Spanish corps
General O’Donnell (Poor)
8 Command Points
Orders – Engage Enemy
Artillery manhandle 2” towards enemy
13th brigade move to edge of town
15th brigade (square) advance 2” towards enemy
14th brigade advance 2” and form square
16th brigade form column of march and move 8”  (double move) on to hill
O’Donnell is moving his corps forwards in square because of enemy ca
He has sent his guerilla brigade onto the hill to outflank the cavalry
He is trying to force the cavalry to retire so that he can support 3rd corps attack
Game Notes
3rd Spanish corps artillery have received the first casualties of the game.   This is quite serious because it will reduce their fire effectiveness, their morale and their brigade command points.  

The Spanish have B class gunners, the same as the Italians.  But their 6 pounder guns have less effective range than the Italian 9 pounders.

Rosche has ordered his gunners to retire a short distance to take them out of close range of the enemy gunners, but they still remain within close range of the farm.

Rule 7 deals with artillery firing.

Wargame rules can be found at

Friday, January 27, 2012

Battle of Torrente – Move 8

1500-1600 10 August 1813
  Table at the start of move 8

Top left – 4th Spanish corps prepares to advance north of Torrente
Right – Italian corps is changing their deployment to meet 3rd Spanish flank move
Bottom – 3rd Spanish corps move to their right to attack farm from the south

  16th Italian corps
General Severoli (Poor)
7 Command Points
Orders – Deploy between farm and hill
Artillery unlimber
Cavalry turn right and form line
6th brigade turn right and form line
Severoli moves to centre of corps
7th brigade forms column of attack
Severoli has completed his redeployment

  4th Spanish corps

General O’Donnell (Poor)
8 Command Points
Orders – move to north of Torrente
Change orders to “Engage Enemy”
16th brigade advance 8”
15th brigade (in square) advance 2”
Artillery manhandle forwards 2”
14th brigade advance 4”
13th brigade prepare to move out of town
O’Donnell advances with caution

3rd Spanish corps
General Rosche (Average)
9 Command Points
Orders – Move to east of Farm
Change orders to “Engage Enemy”
Artillery fire on farm (total 4 – no casualties)
Artillery manhandle 2” towards farm
10th brigade advance 6” towards farm
9th brigade advance 8” towards farm
Rosche moves to centre of corps
11th brigade advance 6” towards farm
10th brigade skirmish with farm (total 1 – no casualties)

Game Notes
Both Spanish commanders have changed their orders to Engage, the attack has begun.   The choice of orders is shown in Wargame Rule 3

 Severoli is aware that if he waits for both Spanish corps to attack he will be strongly outnumbered.  He has decided to engage 3rd corps and hope to defeat them before 4th corps can attack him.    He has left his cavalry brigade on his right flank to slow 4th corps advance

 Rosche is aware that he must attack in support of Rosche.  But faced with the Italian cavalry, and without any of his own to counter them, he must advance with great caution.   He is moving his artillery forward protected by an infantry square to take them within range of the cavalry.  He will then hope to inflict casualties or cause them to withdraw.

Wargame rules can be found at

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Battle of Torrente – Move 7

1400-1500 10 August 1813
  Table at the start of move 7
The table has been changed again due to the Spanish flank move
Three squares have been taken from the left and three added to the right
Squares A1, B1 an C1 have been replaced by B4, B4 and C4
Top left – 4th Spanish corps prepare to advance north of Torrente
Right – Italian corps is changing their deployment to meet 3rd Spanish flank move
Bottom – 3rd Spanish corps move to their right to attack farm from the south

  4th Spanish corps
General O’Donnell (Poor)
8 Command Points
Orders – move to north of Torrente
Enemy are out of artillery range
Artillery manhandle 2” towards enemy
13th brigade form garrison of town
14th brigade advance 6”
15th brigade advance 2” in square
16th brigade advance 12” (double move) and form line
General moves to centre of corps
O’Donnell is ready to advance but wants to inflict casualties on enemy cavalry first

  3rd Spanish corps

General Rosche (Average)
9 Command Points
Orders – Move to east of Farm
Artillery fire on farm (total 4 – no casualties)
9th brigade turn right and advance 4”
10th brigade advance 4” and form column of attack
General moves to centre of corps
11th brigade advance 6”
Artillery manhandle 2” towards farm
Rosche has moved his artillery within close range of farm
He wants to inflict casualties on the garrison before he risks an attack

16th Italian corps
General Severoli (Poor)
8 Command Points
Orders – Deploy between farm and hill
Artillery limber and move 4” towards enemy
7th brigade form column of march and retreat 4”
6th brigade turn left and move 6” towards farm
General moves to command range of cavalry
Cavalry turn left ready to move towards farm
Severoli is redeploying his corps nearer to the farm
He is moving one brigade to the left to counter 3rd Spanish corps

Game Notes
Severoli is redeploying his corps to defend south and west of the farm
This is to counter 3rd Spanish corps attempt to move south of the farm
Time is running out for the Spanish as they try to find a weak spot to attack

Wargame rules can be found at

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Battle of Torrente – Move 6

1300-1400 10 August 1813
  Table at the start of move 6

Top left – 4th Spanish corps move to the north of Torrente
Right – Italian corps in position between the farm and northern hill
Bottom – 3rd Spanish corps Halt facing the farm

  4th Spanish corps

General O’Donnell (Poor)
7 Command Points
Orders – move to north of Torrente
15th brigade advance 12” (double move) and form square to protect artillery
Artillery manhandle 2” towards enemy
14th brigade advance 6”
16th brigade advance 8”
Commandeer moves to centre of corps
O’Donnell has completed his redeployment north of Torrente
  16th Italian corps
General Severoli (Poor)
8 Command Points
Orders – Deploy between farm and hill
Artillery fire on enemy artillery (total 6 – no casualties)
8th brigade occupy farm
6th and 7th brigades about turn and retire 2”
Severoli is moving his battle line back out of artillery range
Not sufficient CP to withdraw cavalry
3rd Spanish corps

General Rosche (Average)
6 Command Points
Orders – Move to farm
Artillery fire on farm (total 7 – no casualties)
Rosche changes orders to “Move to east of Farm”
11th brigade advance 6”
10th brigade turn right and advance 4”
Rosche is moving his corps to the right to outflank farm

Game Notes
Neither Spanish commander is prepared to commit to a frontal attack, and with good reason.   The Spanish are mostly poor quality troops, and any casualties to enemy artillery might well cause the whole corps to rout before they could get within range.
By moving to his right Rosche hopes to be able to attack the farm with superior numbers, and without being exposed to the enemy artillery.   He also hopes to force Severoli to move some of his corps to counter the move, leaving less to face O’Donnell when he attacks.
Severoli is quite happy for the Spanish to waste time redeploying.   Each move is one closer to nightfall when he can retreat towards Lerida.
Wargame rules can be found at

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Battle of Torrente – Move 5

1200-1300 10 August 1813
  Table at the start of move 5
Top left – 4th Spanish corps move to the north of Torrente
Right – Italian corps take up position between the farm and northern hill
Bottom – 3rd Spanish corps advancing towards the farm
  16th Italian corps
General Severoli (Poor)
6 Command Points
Orders – Deploy between farm and hill
Artillery fire on Spanish infantry (total 10 – 1 casualty - but out of range by 1”)
6th brigade about turn and form line
Cavalry form line
Severoli moves within command range (8”) of farm
8th brigade move into farm
Redeployment almost complete
  4th Spanish corps

General O’Donnell (Poor)
6 Command Points
Orders – move to north of Torrente
16th brigade move 16” (double move)
14th brigade form column of attack from square and advance 6”
Commander moves to centre of corps
13th brigade move into town
O’Donnell has now concentrated his corps ready to advance north of the town
3rd Spanish corps

General Rosche (Average)
7 Command Points
Orders – Move to farm
Artillery fire on Italian infantry (total 7 – no casualty)
Rosche changes corps orders to Halt
9th brigade retire 3” facing enemy 

Game Notes
The rules do not allow us to measure ranges, so we have to fire and then measure to confirm if in range.   Italian artillery had scored a hit, but when measured were 17” from target – just 1” out of range.

Although the Spanish guns are only 6 pounders, they are just within range of the nearest Italian brigade.   Severoli will have to consider withdrawing this brigade out of range.

Rosche has halted his 3rd corps out of artillery range to wait for 4th corps to begin their advance.   This will also give him the opportunity to move around the left flank of the Italians rather than attack into the enemy artillery.   There are seven more moves, so plenty of time to launch the final attack.
Wargame rules can be found at

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Battle of Torrente – Move 4

1100-1200 10 August 1813
  Table at the start of move 4
Top left – 4th Spanish corps move to the north of Torrente
Right – Italian corps take up position between the farm and northern hill
Bottom – 3rd Spanish corps advancing towards the farm
  4th Spanish corps

General O’Donnell (Poor)
7 Command Points
Orders – move to north of Torrente
13th brigade enter the town
Artillery move 16” (double move) and unlimber
15th brigade move 12” (double move) to support the artillery
16th guerrilla move 8” towards the town
O’Donnell concentrates on moving his artillery into position
He takes advantage of being more than 16” from the enemy to take multiple moves
He does not have sufficient CP to move all of his infantry
  16th Italian corps

General Severoli (Poor)
6 Command Points
Orders – Deploy between farm and hill
8th brigade moves into farm
Artillery unlimber facing 3rd Spanish corps
7th brigade form line between farm and artillery
Severoli moves to centre of corps
Cavalry about turn to face 4th Spanish corps
Severoli had a poor dice throw for his CP
He concentrates on his left flank as 3rd Spanish are nearer
His artillery and the farm should hold his left flank
His cavalry are moving into position to hold his right flank
Then he has to hold this position until nightfall

3rd Spanish corps

General Rosche (Average)
9 Command Points
Orders – Move to farm
Artillery move 4” and unlimber
9th, 10th and 11th  brigades all advance 6” towards farm
Commander moves to centre of corps
Rosche has rolled well for his CP
But he is unable to use them all because he is too close to the enemy for multiple moves

Game Notes

The new rules are working well so far.

The two poor corps commanders have had low dice for their CP, and have had to decide which brigades they want to move most

The CP for brigade movement is also working well.   So far all brigades have had sufficient to do everything they want to.  But this will change when the two armies are in combat, and brigades are required to move and skirmish or fire.

Wargame rules can be found at

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Battle of Torrente – Move 3

1000-1100 10 August 1813
  Table at the start of move 3
The Italian retreat has moved the centre of the battle to the north
Three squares have been removed at the bottom, and three added to the top

Top left – 4th Spanish corps enter Torrente and deploy to the south
Centre – Italian corps are deploying between the farm and the northern hill
Bottom – 3rd Spanish corps advancing towards the farm

  16th Italian corps
General Severoli (Poor)
8 Command Points
Orders – move to Lerida road

Severoli has chosen to defend between the farm and the northern hill
He changes his orders to “deploy between the farm and the hill”
7th brigade move 8” to form left of line
8th brigade move 8” to occupy farm
6th brigade move8” to form right of line
Artillery move 8” to form centre of line
Cavalry brigade move 16”to form extreme left flank
By moving first Severoli signals his new defence line to the Spanish

  4th Spanish corps
General O’Donnell (Poor)
8 Command Points
Orders – move to Torrente
The Italian redeployment is obvious to O’Donnell
He issues new orders “move to north of Torrente”
16th guerrilla brigade move 8” (double move) off hill towards main corps
Artillery limber and move 8” towards north of town
Commander moves to centre of corps
It will take a little time for O’Donnell to redeploy north of town

3rd Spanish corps

General Rosche (Average)
6 Command Points
Orders – Move to farm

The Italian redeployment does not make any difference to Rosche
His corps is already under orders to move towards the farm
Artillery advance 8"
11th brigade form column of attack from square and advance 8”
10th brigade advance 8”
9th brigade advance 16” (two CP)
Rosche moves to centre of corps
Game Notes

The guerrillas require two moves to move off the hill into the valley. 
This is because movement on hills is at half normal rate
Rule 5 covers movement in difficult terrain

It takes 3 CP for a Poor commander to change his corps orders, but only 2CP for an Average commander.
Rule 2 covers change of corps orders

The Spanish can have multiple moves because the Italian’s are now more than 16” away.
Rule 3 covers multiple moves

The Italian retreat has taken them to the northern edge of the table. 
The subsequent advance of 3rd Spanish corps has taken them into the centre squares
As a result the top bottom three squares have been removed
The remainder have been moved down
Three new squares have been added to the top
The new squares are A1, A2 and A3 on the tactical map
Wargame rules can be found at

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Battle of Torrente – Move 2

0900-1000 10 August 1813
  Table at the start of move 2

Top left – 4th Spanish corps approach Torrente
Centre – Italian cavalry cover corps withdrawal
Bottom – 3rd Spanish corps follow Italian retreat
  4th Spanish corps

General O’Donnell (Poor)
8 Command Points
Orders – move to Torrente

O’Donnell orders his 13th brigade to enter the town
His artillery are out of range and man handle the guns towards the enemy
14th brigade form square to protect the gunners
15th brigade advance towards the town
O’Donnell then moves to command range of the guerrilla brigade and orders them to abandon their ambush position and rejoin the main corps
He is delighted to find that the Italians have abandoned their supply depot in Torrente

  16th Italian corps
General Severoli (Poor)
8 Command Points
Orders – move to Lerida road

Severoli has managed to break contact with both Spanish corps.
However he must now establish a defence position until nightfall
He orders 7th brigade to move to the farm and occupy it
The other two brigades, and the corps artillery, will deploy to the right of the farm
His cavalry have completed their task of covering the withdrawal
He orders them to take position on the right of the new line
He is pleased that the withdrawal has been completed without any casualties

3rd Spanish corps

General Rosche (Average)
7 Command Points
Orders – Move to farm

Rosche must follow the Italian’s as quickly as possible
He is also aware of the threat from the enemy cavalry
He orders his artillery to take post on the right, opposite the farm
11th brigade form square to the right of the gunners to protect them
9th and 10th brigade advance to the left of the artillery
Rosche is pleased to see the enemy cavalry withdraw
It is difficult to advance against cavalry with poor quality infantry.

Game Notes
The new Command Points are working well
All three commanders have sufficient CP to move their corps as required.
All brigades have sufficient CP to carry out their orders, at least until they start to receive casualties.

Being a wargame the Italian corps could easily continue to retreat and avoid battle.   However this would be unfair to the Spanish.  To give the Spanish a chance to bring their superior numbers to bear the Italian’s will have to hold the farm until nightfall (10 more game moves

Wargame rules can be found at

Monday, January 16, 2012

Battle of Torrente – Move 1

0800-0900 10 August 1813
   Table at the start of move 1
Top left – 4th Spanish corps move towards Torrente
Centre – 16th Italian corps withdraw to concentrate top right
Bottom – 3rd Spanish corps deployed to cover Flix (off table)
  16th Italian corps
General Severoli (Poor)
9 Command Points
Orders – move to Lerida road
Severoli is fortunate that he moves first.  
He has sufficient command points to move all of his widely spread brigades
First he orders his main body to move towards the main road
He then moves within command range (8”) of the brigades at Torrente
He orders the infantry to retire east and the cavalry to delay 3rd Spanish corps
The cavalry move south of the town and deploy in line facing 3rd Spanish corps
Severoli has done well to move his corps out of danger
 4th Spanish corps
General O’Donnell (Poor)
8 Command Points
Orders– move to Torrente
O’Donnell expected to have to fight to take Torrente
He is advancing in column of attack, which is slower than column of march
He is also concerned that the Italian cavalry might turn on his infantry
He orders one brigade to occupy the town
His artillery move to the south and unlimber to engage the enemy cavalry
His second brigade moves to support the guns
He has too few CP to move within command range of his guerrilla brigade
O’Donnell has failed to prevent the enemy withdrawing safely
3rd Spanish corps
General Rosche (Average)
7 Command Points
Orders – Hold Flix road
Rosche is one of the best Spanish commanders
But he was not very lucky with his CP roll
He was not expecting the Italians to retreat and is badly deployed
Because the enemy moved first his artillery are out of range
First he must order his corps to advance in pursuit
He changes his orders to Move (towards retreating enemy)
First he orders his two brigades in line to form column of attack
His artillery limber and advance
His three infantry brigades advance with the artillery
Rosche is disappointed that he has been unable to fire on the enemy
Game Notes
All three corps have been able to take multiple moves because they are more than 16” from the enemy
 Rule 7 refers
16th Italian corps has two widely spread sections, and the commander has had to move to be within command range (8”) to issue orders to both sections.   Rule 3 refers
All three corps have had sufficient CP for both the commander and each brigade, because none have yet suffered any casualties   New Rule refers
They have also taken advantage of corps moves to make maximum use of available CP to move closer to the enemy.   Rule 3 refers
Wargame rules can be found at