Friday, April 13, 2012

Battle of Mora – Move 11

1800-1900 13 August 1813
Table at the start of move 10

All of the Italian infantry are in rout, leaving the guns without protection
The Italian cavalry are on the far right, pinning the Spanish infantry and artillery
The Spanish guerrillas are well positioned to attack the French artillery

Marshal Suchet (Gifted)
5 Command Points
Leave routed infantry and moves to join Severoli
Change corps orders to Retreat

  Guerrillas charge guns

General Severoli (Poor)
8 Command Points
Orders – Retreat
Artillery fire on Spanish gunners (total 6 – no casualties)
Severoli moves to command range of cavalry brigade
Cavalry turn left and form line to threaten guerrilla’s
Artillery limber and move 4” towards cavalry
5th brigade test morale for being in rout (total -3, fail and continue to rout)
6th brigade test morale for being in rout (total -4. fail and continue to rout)
8th brigade test morale for being in rout (total -4, fail and continue to rout)

General O’Donnell (Poor)
9 Command Points
Orders – Attack
Artillery fire on cavalry (total 6 – no casualties)
Gunners manhandle guns 2” towards cavalry
O’Donnell moves to command range of 13th brigade
13th brigade advance 2” in square towards cavalry
O’Donnell moves to command range of guerrilla’s
Guerrilla’s charge limbered artillery
Gunners test morale to evade (total 1 – fail)
Gunners surrender to guerrilla’s

Game Notes
The game ends with all of the Italian corps, except for their cavalry brigade, in rout
The cavalry are too weak to attempt to save the guns, but do cover the retreat

There are no rules for infantry capturing limbered artillery, so we adopted Rule 8 which covers limbered artillery contacted by cavalry.  

Wargame rules can be found at

Table at end of game
The Italian gunners have surrendered and are being escorted away by the guerrillas

The Italian cavalry have too many casualties to be able to opportunity charge the guerrillas and save the gunners. 

They are also within range of the Spanish guns and retreat to cover the rout

Game Result

16th Italian corps started the battle with 8 infantry and 2 cavalry casualties
The now have 32 infantry and gunner plus 2 cavalry casualties, plus the loss of their guns

4th Spanish corps have lost 9 infantry and 1 artillery casualties

A very hard fought battle, and another convincing victory for the Spanish.

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