2000-2100 10 August 1813
Table at the start of move 13
Top left – 4th Spanish corps advance in square, the Italian cavalry have started to retire
Right – Italian corps have suffered heavy casualties but continue to hold their ground
Bottom – 3rd Spanish corps have also suffered casualties and right hand brigade is shaken
3rd Spanish corps
General Rosche (Average)
8 Command Points
Orders – Hold
Artillery unlimber within short range of farm
Move general to join 11th brigade (shaken)
11th brigade about turn and retire 3” to support distance (4”) of artillery
10th brigade volley fire 7th Italian (total 7 – draw)
10th brigade third casualty and disordered
7th Italian fifth casualty and disordered
9th brigade test morale for shaken (total 2 – fail remain shaken)
11th brigade test morale for shaken (total 3 – pass test become disordered)
16th Italian corps
General Severoli (Poor)
8 Command Points
Orders – Hold Farm
6th brigade retire 2” facing enemy
Artillery move 4” and unlimber
General moves to join 7th brigade
7th brigade retire 2” facing enemy
8th brigade (garrison of farm) skirmish 9th Spanish (total 6 – one hit)
9th Spanish test morale for third casualty (total 2 – fail remain shaken)
4th Spanish corps
General O’Donnell (Poor)
8 Command Points
Orders – Engage Enemy
Artillery fire on Italian cavalry (total 12 – one casualty)
Cavalry test morale for second casualty (total 0 – fail and rout)
6th Italian test morale for rout within 4” (total 1 – fail are shaken)
13th brigade advance 6”
14th and 15th brigades form column of attack and advance 3”
16th brigade advances 4” off hill
Artillery limber and advance 4”
Game Notes
4th Spanish corps artillery have excellent gunners (rolled 2x6 dice twice)
They have routed the Italian cavalry
The Spanish infantry immediately form column of attack and advance on the farm
Wargame rules can be found at
Table at end of game
Top left – 4th Spanish corps advance in column of attack
Right – Italian cavalry have routed and the infantry have been lucky to hold for so long
Bottom – 3rd Spanish corps have also suffered casualties but are still attacking the farm
Game Result
16th Italian corps have fought a hard battle, but must withdraw during the night
They have suffered 7 infantry and 2 cavalry casualties
3rd Spanish corps have suffered too many casualties to pursue the Italians
They have taken 7 infantry and 1 artillery casualties
4th Spanish corps have not suffered any casualties
They are ready to pursue the Italians at first light.
This was a convincing Spanish victory
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