1500-1600 10 August 1813

Table at the start of move 4
Left – Spanish cavalry rout towards bridge, infantry form square
Right – French cavalry out of angle of enemy artillery.
17th French corps
General Halbert (Average)
8 Command Points
Orders – Engage enemy
22nd and 24th brigades form column of attack and advance 3”
23rd brigade move out of town and join general advance
Artillery limber and advance 4”
Halbert moves to centre of corps
Marshal Suchet (Gifted)
2 Command Points
Moves to join Halbert
1st Spanish corps
General del Parque (Average)
8 Command Points
Orders – Hold
Artillery fire on 22nd French (total 7 – no casualties)
Del Parque changes corps orders to “Retreat to bridge”
Gunners manhandle artillery 2” towards bridge
Dragoons retreat to shelter behind infantry square
Del Parque moves to centre of corps
4th brigade about turn and retreats 3” towards bridge
Dragoons test morale for being in rout (total 3 – pass become shaken)
Game Notes
Without cavalry del Parque orders his corps to retreat to the bridge
He hopes to avoid a major battle, but still hold the bridge, until nightfall
He is fortunate to be able to rally his dragoons behind the shelter of an infantry square
With the removal of the enemy cavalry Halbert orders his infantry to advance
They abandon their square formation and change into column of attack
Only the French cavalry are in contact with the enemy, so they are unable to prevent del Parque from breaking contact and retreating to the bridge.
If the Spanish can hold the bridge until nightfall, they will be able to withdraw safely over the river under cover of darkness.
Wargame rules can be found at
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